Experience Matters.

Who We Are Matters.

You Matter.

Creating your brand: takes a skill set; takes understanding the process; takes collaboration; takes creativity; takes experience.

Articulating your brand: takes know-how; takes talent; takes experience. 

Sustaining your brand: takes knowledge; takes discipline; takes experience.

Great brands don’t just happen. They are thoughtfully crafted, nurtured and it’s always a collaborative effort.

Seasoned friends who have built a seasoned team just for this opportunity created Touch Squared Marketing. 

We could count up the number of collective years of experience the partners and team at TSM have in brand development and marketing, but what’s more important are the vital lessons learned during those years. 

Successes and failures, we’ve had plenty of both and they provide great learning.

That matters when considering successful strategies for branding, re-branding, advertising, marketing and promotions.

Here’s a batch of bios from the TSM Team so that you know who your partners will be, because it matters!